I got my technical career started as a Systems Administrator as a young, passionate computer nerd. After making the decision to explore a different (and life-changing) path, I ended up taking on intensive studies in (mostly) philosophy and theology. Since returning from my "side quest," I've been in the automotive industry for almost 15 years. Starting from technical education to apprenticeship to (eventually) reaching "Gold/Meister" certification with Porsche Cars North America. After having to make the decision to leave the dealership, I decided to continue as an automotive repair technician at the Mercedes-Benz USI manufacturing plant, eventually transitioning to my current position as a Technical Support Specialist Team Lead within the MOE (Montage Elektrik, or, as we call it, the "Middle of Everything") department. It is a really multifaceted position, in its core, supporting and maintaining a wide variety of production-critical vehicle testing equipment (electronics, software, network), in addition to the numerous responsibilities that come with the "Team Lead" role in a massive production environment.
Thoroughness and "getting it right the first time" is /ingrained/ in me, as well as a baseline philosophy of continuously improving. Whether in IT, studying liberal arts, or automotive, I have always been intensely interested in the pursuit of "root causes": investigating, identifying, and correcting. I am passionate about handing on my experience, as well as learning from others. While I'm very self-driven and perfectly content working solo, I am also very inclined to cooperative and collaborative work. I have a wide variety of interests and experience, both professionally and personally honed. I'm an insane DIYer. I love designing and planning and executing. I like writing. Still a computer nerd. I am married to the sweet lady in my profile picture, and we have 3 little handfuls.
While it has been a specific interest of mine for some time, at this point in my career, I'm particularly interested in worker cooperatives and employee-owned companies. An added bonus would be working with a company that strives to provide a positive contribution to the world. An added added bonus would be working for a company that also proactively seeks to hone and improve itself as a given.