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SCJ Alliance jobs
We are seeking an energetic and skilled Project Engineer as we develop and execute a wide variety of projects. The ideal candidate will demonstrate independence and initiative and be able to move tasks forward with ove...
Who we are
As a 100% employee-owned company, at SCJ Alliance we embrace serving not only our clients but also each other. We routinely and easily cross job description lines in order to be part of getting somethi...
Our Gig Harbor, Washington, transportation engineering group is seeking a dynamic and driven transportation engineer with project management experience to join our transportation design team. Our transportation en...
We are seeking a dynamic and driven transportation engineer with project management experience to join our transportation design team. Our transportation engineering work is varied, detail- and specification-...
We are seeking a dynamic and driven transportation engineer with project management experience to join our transportation design team. Our transportation engineering work is varied, detail- and specification-...
Our Gig Harbor, Washington transportation engineering group is seeking a dynamic and driven transportation engineer with great problem-solving skills and a desire to provide technical oversight and project design exper...
SCJ Alliance (SCJ) is a 100% employee-owned company with the mission to serve our clients, communities, and each other with creativity, knowledge, insight, and perspective. SCJ employs top-quality people who will suppo...
SCJ Alliance is a 100% employee-owned company with the mission to serve our clients, communities, and each other with creativity, knowledge, insight, and perspective. With great projects and a fun-loving team, our fir...
We are seeking a dynamic and driven senior-level civil engineer with project management experience to join our civil team. Our civil engineering work is varied, detail- and specification-dependent, and we wel...
We are seeking a dynamic and driven transportation engineer with great problem-solving skills and a desire to provide technical oversight and project design expertise as we develop and execute a wide varie...
We are seeking a dynamic and driven transportation engineer with project management experience to join our transportation design team. Our transportation engineering work is varied, detail- and specification-dependent...
We are seeking a dynamic and driven entry- to intermediate-level transportation design engineer with great problem-solving skills and a desire to assist our transportation engineers as we develop and execute a wide var...
We are seeking energetic junior+ level college students for all offices throughout our company (Washington, Colorado, and Montana) to assist our various business groups in order to gain work experience and/or college...